
Volunteers are Crucial
to our Success!
Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center has regularly relied on volunteers to keep our facilities and grounds looking good, make improvements to our buildings, perform routine chores, complete administrative functions, and facilitate our summer camp program. Volunteers bring enthusiasm and help energize and inspire our staff. Many people have skills that our staff do not have and this helps reduce our expenses.
For those who may not be able to physically come to join us on site, we know that we have benefited greatly from your involvement in prayer. God listens to our requests and affirmations, and we know that our community is affected by your prayer for our site, staff, and guests.
We deeply appreciate your involvement in creating improvements at Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center!
Summer Camp Volunteers
Please Join Us
Camp cannot happen without amazing volunteers. There are a variety of roles you can fill as a camp volunteer. Whether you’re in the cabin as a counselor or you help the magic happen by setting up and tearing down activities with program staff, we would love to have your help. We can plug you in no matter your skill set. If you can take a week or two this summer to make a difference in kids’ lives, we’d love to have you as a volunteer! We will provide training and a staff shirt.
Important Details
Contact our program director to schedule a week in June, July, or August.
Volunteers desiring to be counselors must be at least 18 years of age.
Volunteers will be required to complete a volunteer application and pass a background check.